Thursday, August 18, 2011

Red Sox Nation

A stadium built 100 years ago. A distinctive green monster of a wall towering over us and a pesky little pole making its famous appearance out in right field. A team worshiped by an entire region, to the extent they even have their own television network out here. And a culture so rich and contageous we couldn't hep but join in. What am I talking about you ask? Well Red Sox nation of course. 

The Red Sox played the Devil Rays this past week at Fenway park and thanks to Uncle Elliot we got to see them play.  It was so fun to watch Elliot out there and we are beyond excited that he didn't get hurt (haha because he usually does whenever Leon trys to watch him play) this time.  We also got to see and spend time with Aunt Nicole, whom we absolutely adore (Especially Ellie).  Ellie loved Nicole's pretty earrings and couldn't help grabbing them every time she got a chance. Exhibit A: Why I don't wear jewlry anymore lol. We sure did miss little Blakey Boo and we look forward to seeing him the next time they come.

Ellie was such a good girl at the game.  She loved to join in the clapping, and her cute little golf clap melted my heart.  She slept basically the enire game, obnoxious fans and all.  The poor baby is probably exhaused from all the traveling we have been doing the past two weeks. We leave the house at around ten and don't come back until about nine or ten that night.  But we found an apartment and a daycare so at least the exhausting days have payed off.

Golf Clap

She slept just like this on my lap for 3 hours: Yay Ellie!

It has been so much fun to spend all day everyday with Leon.  We have honestly made such great memories the past couple of weeks.  I sure do love this boy.  Not to mention he is a great navigator around this crazy city.  But lets give the place some slack because Nicole did say something that made so much sense the other day, "These roads are so old they weren't made for cars."  And its true.  So I now withdraw my previous comment about the builder of these roads and eternal damnation or whatnot and they have my complete forgiveness.  Thanks to Mom and Dad's christmas present last year ( Tomtomy boy), we have been much happier with our navigation escapades.  Plus we found a place that is in Belmont ( I know I can't get away from the place haha) which is much more spread out and relaxing than our previous first impression of the place, which was sommerville (the most densely packed city in New England).  We are very excited about our new home and can't wait to move in and start decorating!  

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The Green Monster! Two or three homeruns were hit off this bad boy at the game. Very impressive, very impressive indeed.

 We should probably invest in some gear, but I think we need to start at the Harvard student store.  I can't wait to buy Ellie a Harvard onesie haha. Don't worry Brenn you will get one too.

We had so much fun and are so grateful to Elliot and Nicole for the time we got to spend with them.  We love them to the moon and back! By the time you come back we will be a little more Bostonian and a little less stressed haha.



  1. Please tell me the daycare workers have accents so that there is still hope for ellie to pick one up

    Ps the leopard leggings are to die for

  2. Don't forget you are Diamondbacks fans first, Rays second ;), and Red Soxs third! Awesome pics!
