Monday, August 8, 2011

One Penske truck+ lots of free apple boxes+ a five day drive= the start of the Johnson family's east coast adventure

So the week is finally here.  The week we have been planning for months and talking about for years. The week we start our life on the east coast. Am I scared? Yes. Am I ready? No. Are we leaving in three days (just me, my husband, an 11 month old baby in a car seat for 5 days)? Yes. Ready or not here we come. So we are picking this up on Wednesday.

We have been doing this the whole past week and will hopefully be done on Tuesday night.  How did we ( I mean I) accumulate so much stuff? Am I a "HOARDER"? I've been going through my hundreds of pairs of shoes, I mean shoes I haven't seen in years, and it hurts me to throw them into the goodwill pile. And you should see all the old notebooks and academic treasures that I can't part with. Ah! I don't want to be the lady with the dead cat in her living room with no idea where that smell is coming from.  Looks like I need to downsize and just let go. "Breathe. Throw the dress you wore in your seventh grade election picture in the trash bag. Now kiss that precious baby of yours on her delectable cheeks and smile at your simplified lifestyle." 

Our final destination: Boston, Massachusettes.  Never been here, but everyone else says its an amazing city.  I've always felt a connection because when I was in the third grade I found out that the Boston Massacre happened on March 5 (which is my birthday). I mean it was about two hundred years earlier, and it was a violent scene, but its my birthday and we all get excited about seeing our special date printed in a history book, right? Ok maybe I'm just a birthday fanatic. I also catch myself singing "I think I'll go to Boston. I think I'll start a new life..." Over and over to myself haha. yea that is exactly what our little familia is doing. We are going across the country to learn about law and medicine and about depending on eachother for everything. We are nervious and excited about our adventure. How blessed we feel for this opportunity to get to experience something new and different. Leon and I are both the intellectual type and can't wait to be surrounded by fellow nerds.  I keep telling Leon that we need to start being more like Robert Langdon and getting up at 5 am to swim laps and grind our own coffee in the morning (actually we don't drink is for the weak but you get the point) how else are we going to fit in? We are trading in our rainbows for sperrys haha. Wish us luck and come visit any chance you get!!

Love, Us

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