Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Easter Goodness

Just thought I would share with you all a little easter goodness. I know its been a few weeks since the chocolate and church filled holiday but the easter princess never made her appearance on our blog so... tada!
She spent the day coloring eggs and playing with the toys that the easter bunny left for her. She also played with her cousin and uncle (or more watched them run around the apartment at the peak of their sugar high in pure fear) then spent her day at church celebrating the real meaning of easter. We always try to explain to her that Christmas and Easter are not about the fun but are about the Life and Death of the Savior.  Its always fun to color eggs and eat chocolate but we always need to remember how grateful we need to be for the atonement of Jesus Christ and His example. 


  1. I'm so glad I found your blog! I love your header photo's and Ellie is getting so big and gorgeous! If you want an invite to view my blog, email me your email address to sherrilynray@yahoo.com. Our blog is jacobandsherri.blogspot.com.
    Sherri Romney

  2. What a cutie!!! And I did just update my blog :) I may be going out to Vegas the weekend you come here, still not totally sure, so let me know when you're out so I can meet sweet little Ellie!!! Loved catching up on your blog. Miss you!
