Saturday, July 21, 2012

End of the summer...

Can you believe our paradise summer is coming to a close? I can't. We have had so much fun being with family all summer, our house will feel so empty without them. I am especially concerned about Ellie. Jaxon and Ellie are inseperable these days and basically she worships the floor he walks on. It is so fun for her to have a play mate and I am sure that they will miss each other so much. Good thing she only has to wait a few more months and a permanent full time play mate will be entering the Johnson household. I have been so bad about keeping my blog updated with on the date pictures of my ever expanding belly.

24 weeks

25 weeks

Baby is doing good. I'm just a little concerned about feeling so many contractions lately. I had some preterm labor issues last time around and I definitely don't want to go through that again. It might have something to do with all of the running around I am doing in the ER the past couple of days. I am prepared to take legal action against AT Still, not only because they are forcing me to do this ridiculous rotation and ripping me away from my family, or because they basically have stolen my money, but because now they are inducing preterm labor. I hate them.

Speaking of my family with whom I am currently separated, I miss them. I miss sweet Ellie kisses and cuddle time with my one and only. I miss hide and seek, talking about elephants, and finding minnie mouse shoes. I miss a full bed. I miss Leon waking me up at the crack of dawn for morning prayer and giving me a goodbye kiss. Obviously I FaceTime and Skype them everyday, but I am so lonely without my sweet little family.

I can't help but remember my last night in California and how much fun we had feeding the duckies at the pond in Temecula. Ellie lala loves animals and ducks are no exception. She especially loves baby animals. She will tell you baby elephants are her favorite haha. So, we went to dinner at Pat and Ocars, which is one of my California faves. After stuffing our faces on cesar salad and breadsticks, we went down to the pond to see the duckies. Ellie loved throwing the bread into the pond and she especially loved talking to and feeding the baby duckies. Then we went home and played games and ate cookies. My mom's chocolate chip cookies get me and baby Jet every time. I love them. 

 Silly Ellie can't help but make me smile

 This is her minnie shoe that he loves so much. I can't get these babies off of her

I love my family

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