Monday, April 2, 2012

Two Years...

Full of ups downs and all arounds. Leo and I will have been married for two years tomorrow. Can you believe it? Haha I know, it feels like so much longer to us too. We have always said that if we can make it through these first two years we can make it through anything.  And after all the sacrafices both of us have made to get through graduate school and be parents at the same time, we are almost done with the two hardest years of our lives!! 

I think we can both say that there is no one else in the world who can push our buttons like our spouse. No one who makes us more crazy, more miserable, more frustrated than the person who sleeps on the other side of the bed.  But I am positive that we will also both admit that no one else understands, comforts and loves us like our partner. No one shares the same jokes, dreams, and believes in us like that crazy person who married the other. All of our happiness is found in this little family that we chose to build. How grateful I am to have Leon as my husband and my daughter's father. We are the luckiest girls in the world.

Here is to two years full of life and love, and to many more that will build us into the people we have always wanted to be. And here is to the beautiful family that the heavens have blessed and will continue to bless us with. 
Love you BZ.

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