Sunday, June 12, 2011

Twenty-Six and sleeping on the floor

Happy twenty-sixth birthday lover of cookies, ice cream, and flag football.  It has been a pleasure spoiling you rotten the past few years.  And I love every piece of you exactly the way you are. To airplanes, babies, and wendy's on your special day haha.

For those of you that don't know, Leon turned twenty-six today and I'm pretty sure that means he is heading into his late twenties.  He is getting older and older by the minute haha and thankfully I am too.  

For the past week we have been in Indiana visiting Leon's dad step-mom Karen.  It was such a fun time getting to see the midwest and spending time with family.  I absolutely love all of Leon's Indiana family. I think my favorite was his Grandpa Johnson who has to be one of the cutest old men ever.  He can't hear a thing but he always has a genuine smile on his face and he is one of those people that you can just feel his kindness and love by being around him.  Ellie's favorite was by far Jack Johnson, Bob and Karen's dog, she loved pulling his tail and hair. She would chase him all over the house and yell dog dog. I think I have a dog lover on my hands lol. who knew? Our camera broke when we went to beach at Lake Michigan for the day so we don't have many pictures of the trip. Sad. But we did a lot of fun stuff like seeing the Natural History Museum in Chicago and obviously Wrigley field, trying some of Bob's favorite restaurants (which have put me officially back on a diet...thank you so much saturated fats. It was a pleasure but I won't be seeing much of you for the next few weeks.), and swimming in Lake Michigan.  I also had a blast from the past as we saw Buckingham Fountain which is where Leon asked me to marry him a few years ago with a sweet poem that he wrote me. Isn't it beautiful:

Anyways we came home today, on the big man's birthday.  We spent most of our day on the plane (which is not so fun when you are traveling for seven hours with an anxious nine month old princess) and then we got the opportunity to see our favorite musical, Les Miserables.  It was beautiful.  The night was so much fun. We love baby girl, but it is always fun to have the opportunity to do something together, just the two of you without the baby.  We had a little trouble with timing so Leon's birthday dinner consisted of a Wendy's side salad and a go wrap lol.  But we made the play and were consumed by the beautiful music and story.  You know a musical is genius when you have seen it four times and it still moves you to tears.  

Now to the best part. Leon and I have decided it is cribby time for the misses.  That means that miss diva will probably be crying all night long. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she cries until she vomits (she has a sensitive gag reflex its kinda ridiculous).  Well actually I'm being a little dramatic because she hasn't cried yet. We came home to a sleeping baby and just put her in her crib gently, but Leon decided he was going to sleep on the ground next to her bed so she isn't too scared if she wakes up.  Naturally, I didn't want to sleep alone (As previously mentioned on this blog, I'm afraid of illegals) so I volunteered to join him. Now both of us are camping out in Ellie's room, sleeping on the floor. What a birthday right?  Thanks to all those who made him feel special today with your calls and texts. We really do have the best family and friends.

The Johnsons

1 comment:

  1. Oh I'm glad cute Ellie stayed asleep after we left :) She was so fun to see last night! I forgot to tell you that while we were on our walk we stopped at a bench for a little bit (it was a LONG walk!) and we had Ellie facing us in her stroller and she was just talking up a storm and laughing. It was so, so cute! And when we got back to your place she grabbed my phone and put it up to her ear and made the sounds that are supposed to be "hello" (I can't remember what the sounds were, but it was pretty obvious!) She is absolutely adorable and at such a cute age! Sorry for writing an essay..haha. So glad you guys got to have a nice evening out :)
