Sunday, May 22, 2011

Things that make me happy:

-making princess baby laugh
-splashing and giggling in the tub with your best friend thats a baby
-eating a whole bowl of blue bell chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with your hubby and not feeling guilty one bit because fat or thin you know that he loves you for you
-going to the beach on a warm summer day and seeing that tan line that winters and PA school make non-exsistant
-hearing your baby say mama
-watching the man you fell in love with turn into a husband and a father
-a nice long bubble bath with a glass of apple juice and crushed ice
-a massage from your one and only without having to give one back in return
-watching the Mr. do his fiddler on the roof dance
-seeing your husband get the call from the school of his dreams and watching his excitement at starting a new chapter of his life
-looking at future homes in Del Mar on
-listening to les miserables while you fold the laundry and clean the house
-making cookies with your child
-kissing that precious angle face of a sweet Ellie bean
-finding a good book that you and your husband can read together even though you know your husband will always finish it first and might even ruin it for you in his excitement
-watching episodes of 24 all night long with your head laying on your own personal jack bower wannabe

Our most recent adventures:


Ellie bean is getting so big!

I know its weird but this is like her favorite place to be. She loves feeling big and she loves the leverage this position gives her on Dad's hair

They are the cutest duo in the world

I just want to eat her up.  That smile brings out the best in me. I love her and I love who she helps me to be.

Family shot

I love Mr. Johnson
Happy Sunday

The Johnsons

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH!! I cannot get over Ellie's little tutu swimsuit!! ADORABLE!! Hope you're doing well and enjoying your little break from school! I had my first ultrasound this last week and can't stop looking at the sonograms :) I can't wait to have my own little baby!
