Yes, it's true, my itty bitty boyfriend is 4 months old now.
Where did the time go?
It is so true what people say about second babies, they grow up way faster than first babies. I always say this, but it is more and more true every time the words leave my mouth, I wish that I could stop time and bottle up my babies before they become kids. I dread having an eight or nine year old. Honestly, I abhor 8-13 year olds. Ugh they are the worst. Anyway I know my kids will hit those awkward ages and my mind might change, but before they do I will just bottle up their baby perfection via pictures and blog posts.
Jet is perfect. Albeit he is still crying a lot and some days I'm at my wits end, for the most part I am just obsessed with this little boy. Even more obsessed is little Ellie Bean. She cannot leave the baby alone. Hands down the best part about having two kids is watching them interact. He loves to watch her every move and she loves to kiss his beautiful face. They are perfect for each other.
At four months Jet:
-Is an expert roller. Front to back, back to front, in fact, I've caught him trying to roll backwards a few times lol.
-He is still breastfeeding like a champion. I love breastfeeding. Awful aesthetically for the breasts, but oh so good for my soul. And quite convenient might I add.
-He gives the best smiles.
-He sleeps through the night, yet will occasionally wake at two for a little snack.
-Is not interested in cuddling. So weird, but the only time he really cuddles is when he is breastfeeding (probably why I like it so much)
-Never. Stops. Moving. He is such a wiggle worm. Whether he is kicking his feet or turning his head, the boy is always moving.
-Started solids. Loves him some oatmeal.
-He loves to be outside.
-Has the most perfect squeal ever heard.
-Loves taking bathes and swimming in the tub
-And thanks to Holli and Jill, is the best dressed baby on the block.
Holli took these succulent pieces of eye candy the other day. He is getting so big, love this boy.