Monday, July 23, 2012


A quick update:
For our family reunion this year we all spent the weekend in Manti, Utah. Why Manti you ask? Well, thats where both of my grandparents on my mom's side grew up and fell in love with each other. Apparently they met in the second grade and my Papa says he was smitten. Romantic, right? In fact, my ancestors go back to the settlers of this little gem of a town. It is always so fun to go back and learn about all of my heritage, not to mention spend time with my extended family. My grandparents especially love to go to the pageant that is put on every summer. My grandma recalls being a teenager and being able to hear the pageant (which was then at the fairgrounds across from the temple) from her bedroom window. I love hearing stories of that little town and what they did and where they went when they grew up. The place has a sort of small town feel that makes you feel at home.

We spent the weekend in a couple cabins in the mountains near Manti. It was very secluded and beautiful. I wish I would have taken more pictures. We spent one day with the family on the lake where we rented paddle boats, picnicked, and played on the shore. Ellie loved to get in the water and wear her life vest. She was way too cute in that little thing. She also was excited about her mini mouse swim suit. I had to tell her that her zebra swim suit was mini mouse so that she would put it on. I mean it is black, white, and pink. That is totally something that would be mini mouse right? Well, it works, she loves that swim suit and rocks it like a superstar. She loves swimming these days, I can not keep her away from water. She is so my little fish. Well, she had a blast with all the other little kids swimming away and digging in the sand. Leon was the fun one who took the kids out on the paddle boats and played in the water. He is just the best Dad in the entire world. Ellie and Jet are so lucky to have him.  I ran around after Ellie most of the time and caught up with all my favorite family members.

 Family Picnic

One of my favorite things about Manti is the temple. As you drive into the valley this beautiful reminder  is blazing with beauty high on a mountain over looking the whole town. It is the center point of this little town and I love the symbolism that is accompanied with that. Last trip to Manti I didn't get the opportunity to go inside this majestic building, so I definitely was not going to pass up the opportunity this time around. We woke up at like six to make a session at seven thirty. I loved being in this beautiful temple with my family. I would love being in any temple with my family, but especially this one because I know the history this temple had with my ancestors. The love and peace that was felt was indescribable and something I will cherish always. 

Later that afternoon we strolled around Manti. My Papa gave us a tour of his hometown with endless narrative. It made for a great time. We met for dinner at a park where we picnicked and played games. Ellie loved running around after the big kids. She totally thinks she is bigger than she is. She especially loved the parachute Uncle Warren brought. We then headed across the street to the base of the temple for the pageant. Leon loved conversing with all of the protesters. My lawyer husband would argue with a tree if it tried to tell him anti-mormon hogwash. But whatever that is what I love about my hunny bunny, he loves his religion and will stand up for it at all times, in all things, and in all places. He made it back for the pageant just in time and we had a great time watching the story unfold. They always make a few changes to the show every year and I love to see all the new things they do. This year was no disappointment and I'm so glad we had the opportunity to go.

I love family reunions and am so grateful for the time I got to spend with these wonderful people. I'm sure next year won't come fast enough. We love and miss you all!


Saturday, July 21, 2012

End of the summer...

Can you believe our paradise summer is coming to a close? I can't. We have had so much fun being with family all summer, our house will feel so empty without them. I am especially concerned about Ellie. Jaxon and Ellie are inseperable these days and basically she worships the floor he walks on. It is so fun for her to have a play mate and I am sure that they will miss each other so much. Good thing she only has to wait a few more months and a permanent full time play mate will be entering the Johnson household. I have been so bad about keeping my blog updated with on the date pictures of my ever expanding belly.

24 weeks

25 weeks

Baby is doing good. I'm just a little concerned about feeling so many contractions lately. I had some preterm labor issues last time around and I definitely don't want to go through that again. It might have something to do with all of the running around I am doing in the ER the past couple of days. I am prepared to take legal action against AT Still, not only because they are forcing me to do this ridiculous rotation and ripping me away from my family, or because they basically have stolen my money, but because now they are inducing preterm labor. I hate them.

Speaking of my family with whom I am currently separated, I miss them. I miss sweet Ellie kisses and cuddle time with my one and only. I miss hide and seek, talking about elephants, and finding minnie mouse shoes. I miss a full bed. I miss Leon waking me up at the crack of dawn for morning prayer and giving me a goodbye kiss. Obviously I FaceTime and Skype them everyday, but I am so lonely without my sweet little family.

I can't help but remember my last night in California and how much fun we had feeding the duckies at the pond in Temecula. Ellie lala loves animals and ducks are no exception. She especially loves baby animals. She will tell you baby elephants are her favorite haha. So, we went to dinner at Pat and Ocars, which is one of my California faves. After stuffing our faces on cesar salad and breadsticks, we went down to the pond to see the duckies. Ellie loved throwing the bread into the pond and she especially loved talking to and feeding the baby duckies. Then we went home and played games and ate cookies. My mom's chocolate chip cookies get me and baby Jet every time. I love them. 

 Silly Ellie can't help but make me smile

 This is her minnie shoe that he loves so much. I can't get these babies off of her

I love my family

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

23 weeks

I still can't believe how big I am for how far along I am, bah! But hey whatever grows this baby nice and healthy now, and I will worry about the rest later. I was 23 weeks on the fourth of July, hence the red, white and blue. We decided to face the crowds at the beach that day since Leon and I both had the day off.  Of course it was freezing cold and we only stayed for like an hour, but Ellsie loved playing with her Dad in the sand and running in and out of the tide. Uncle Nick came to visit and my BBQ-T grilled it up with hamburgers, hot dogs, and of course mexican sodas. For some reason, as long as I've know Leon and Nick they have loved to BBQ and drink mexican soda. According to Leon, a BBQ is not complete without a mexican soda. Its borderline obsessive and weird, I know. Then we headed over to the sports park to watch fireworks or as Ellie called them, "boom booms". It was such a fun day and we had so much fun with Nick and the family.

As for baby Jet Pack, he is moving around more than ever. If there is one thing I learned last time about my children, it was that they are very much the same in utero as they are as infants. Ellie would always get photographed via ultrasound in certain position that she still does to this day. Little Jet loves to move and literally never sleeps. Im in for it. At 24 weeks, almost, he is kicking harder and more frequently than I can remember Elle kicking...ever. But maybe I just don't remember that well. And thus my blogging this time around haha. Leon still hasn't caught the little guy in his temper tantrums, which surprises me because often I not only feel him but I see my entire belly shake. Being pregnant is such a weird thing sometimes.

So tomorrow is my last day of my internal medicine rotation and then I have three more weeks until graduation!! I still haven't signed up for the boards yet but I have realized how badly I need to study. I have one final rotation in Arizona for the next two weeks, which means I will be away from Ellie. I am honestly scared to death. Ellie and I are joint at the hip and I need her. She makes my days worth living and sparkles my nights. I know that I will be crying myself to sleep every night that I'm away from her sweet spirit. Life and priorities really do change once you become a mother. I used to think I could do it all and that I was too smart to stay home and that I wanted to spend my life "actually being productive". Ugh, I am eating my words now because I hate having to rip myself away from that sweet cuddle bear in the mornings. I think about her all day and long for the sweet kisses I get when I'm home. I never, NEVER want to work full time again. I am so excited to stay home with Ellie Bean and work on Potty training, letters, numbers, and colors. I can't wait to set up gymnastics class and dance class in our dining room. I can't wait to make cookies with those sweet little hands and go on play dates. There is so  much that one misses out on when you spend so much time in hospitals.

Three more weeks and I'm done with school (the boards are a different story), but wish me luck!! Love and miss you all.

Love, Us